Youth Organisation for Research and Justice Advocacy
We advocate for youth participation in post conflict reconstruction and transitional justice processes.
We are committed to advocacy and sustainable change through research.
YORJA is a Non-Governmental Organization led by young people dedicated to promoting social and sustainable change through research, and encouraging the involvement of youths in post-conflict reconstruction and transitional justice efforts...
What We Do
Documentation of Human Rights Abuses; Needs Assessment; Impact Evaluation; Mapping of Stakeholders; Knowledge and Perception Assessment; and Comparative Analysis.
Raising Awareness; Lobbying; Networking; Monitoring and Evaluation; Capacity Building.
Strategic Training
Capacity Building; Sustainability; Cultural Dynamism; Information Sharing; Scholarships.
Sharing Resources; Building Alliances; Applifying Impact; Strengthening Accountability.
Youth Engagement
Leadership; Participation; Healing and Reconciliation; Innovation.
Documentation; Monitoring; Participation; Healing and Reparations; Stakeholder Engagement
"The misuse of power diminishes both the oppressor and the oppressed, the violator, and the victim. In case we forget, the hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation remind us every day. As a nation we finally chose to solve our problems without the use of violence, but rather through negotiation and discussion."
Nelson Mandela
National Men’s March, Pretoria, 1997
Africa at a Glance
Truth Commissions established
Armed Conflicts in Africa
Armed Conflicts in Middle East and North Africa
Source: Geneva Academy